Facebook verified pages and profiles

Facebook Verified Pages and Profiles – What To Know

Facebook verified pages and profiles

Today, Facebook announced that they’re finally launching Facebook verified pages and profiles. 

Sure, Facebook’s behind the curve because Twitter verified accounts and Google+ verified accounts have been around for a while, but why should that stop them. They’re already the dominant player in social media and have been for years without this feature.

What are Facebook verified pages and profiles?

According to Facebook, Facebook verified pages and profiles help people find the authentic accounts of celebrities and other high-profile people and businesses on Facebook.

Identifying Facebook verified pages and profiles

To identify verified pages and profiles, simply look for a little blue checkmark next to the name of a Facebook page or profile (see screenshot at top). You’ll also see this mark in search results as well. This way you don’t have to sift through multiple pages or profiles to find the authentic one. FINALLY!

When you see this, this means it’s a verified account and that you’re connected to the real account and not a fan account.

How do I get Facebook verified pages and profiles?

The great thing about getting Facebook verified pages and profiles is that you don’t have to do anything – except wait.

Right now, they’re rolling this feature out to notable celebrities and profiles. If you happen to have a large following, Facebook may also add you to their list of verified pages and profiles.

Does having a Facebook verified account matter?

While Facebook verified pages and profiles sound great, do they really matter?

Because verified accounts will show a checkmark in search results, I think they will be a time-saver. Now, you won’t have to go through each account you find to see if you’re clicking on the right one.

The bigger question I have about Facebook verified pages and profiles is if this will impact your decision to connect with another user. For example, on Twitter, there is the stigma that if someone has a verified account, they won’t engage with you – because they are too busy or in a different class than you and so there’s no reason to follow them. This is the case for most celebrity accounts.

What do you think?

Question: Does having a Facebook verified page or a Facebook verified profile matter to you? Are you more inclined or less inclined to connect with someone who is verified instead of someone who is unverified? Let me know what you think. You can leave a comment by clicking here.