How to embed a tweet

How to Embed A Tweet From Twitter In Seconds!

In early December, Twitter added a new feature for all Twitter users – the ability to embed tweets into websites or blogs. Emdedding a tweet into your website or blog is a feature that I’m really excited about – because now it takes all of the GREAT tweets you’ve possibly missed and gives users the ability to share them with the world outside of Twitter.

What this means for website owners are more opportunities to be social – and spread other users content that you found interesting. Along the way, this means better chances for building online engagement – you can also expect to pick-up a few new followers as well!

Key points about embedded tweets:

  • You can reply, retweet and favorite directly from an embedded tweet
  • You can follow a user from an embedded tweet – no extra clicks off to Twitter
  • If you’ve embedded a video, they play directly in the embedded tweet

Here’s how you can embed a tweet into your website or blog.

How to embed a tweet

Step 1: Login to your Twitter account

Step 2: Find a tweet you want to embed on your website – hover over the tweet and click on “open”

How to embed a tweet from

Step 3: This will bring up the full view of your tweet. Next, click “details.”

How to embed a tweet from - details

Step 4: After clicking “details,” you’ll be taken to a screen where the details link has been replaced by “embed this tweet.” Click “embed this tweet” for a list of options for embedding your tweet.

How to embed a tweet from - embed tweet


Step 5: Select an option for embedding a tweet from Twitter on your website or blog. Most users are going to use the  HTML option. For those of you who want to share this via email, you can use the Link option in your emails. Copy the code and paste it into your website’s HTML editor.

How to embed a tweet from

An example of an embedded tweet

Remember, the more you tweet, the more chances you have of someone embedding your tweet into their website or blog. Happy tweeting!