Recharging yourself by recharging your batteries

Recharging your batteries

Recharging your batteries to improve productivityHow many of you have ever tried to use a remote control that was running low on batteries?  It didn’t work very well, did it?

You would push buttons and try to change the channel; however, the more things didn’t work, the harder you pushed to try and make them work.

As our lives have gotten more busy, it is important to remember to recharge your batteries from time to time.

Why recharge your batteries?

Not only does having a fully charged battery help give you more energy when you need to tackle a task you’re working on, but by taking a break and recharging your batteries, it can also help you re-focus on a problem that you’ve been too close to to see the solution to.

Here are a few ways I like to recharge my batteries – mileage may vary from person to person.

  • Take a vacation (leave the electronics at home)
  • Take the day off and go sight-seeing. It may trigger new ideas!
  • Go hiking and connect with nature

Even though you’re probably worried that by taking time to recharge your batteries, you’ll lose precious time in the process, remember, the more you try to make something work when the batteries are low, the more frustrated you’ll only get.

By taking the time to recharge your batteries, you’ll come out refreshed, re-energized, and ready to tackle any project!

If you know someone who needs to recharge their batteries, help them out by sharing this post with them!