10 Facebook Privacy Settings To Know and Bookmark

Facebook Privacy Settings have always been difficult to figure out.  They’re either too complicated to understand, difficult to turn off, turned on automatically for you without your knowledge, or there is not a way to get the level of customization that you want with them.  As a result of the challenging Facebook privacy settings, this can mean that you’re revealing important information to people who are not in your network, which can put you into an unfortunate situation with friends, family, or your employer.

10 Facebook Privacy Settings to change now

To help you get a better understanding of Facebook privacy settings, I’ve compiled a list of Facebook privacy settings you should know and bookmark to help protect yourself when on Facebook. Let’s take a look at the privacy settings.

10 Facebook Privacy Settings and how to protect yourself

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How to remove Facebook Close Friends (video)

How to remove Facebook close friends

Facebook close friends, it’s a feature that has been around since mid 2011, yet it’s a feature that a lot of people don’t talk too much about.  For those of you who want an easier way to view updates from a select group of friends, with the added bonus that you get notified when they post a new update, then Facebook close friends is for you.  Personally, I find “close friends” to be extremely valuable because it allows me the opportunity to easily view updates from my favorite people on both the desktop and mobile versions of Facebook – and get notified when they’ve posted new updates.  So after you’ve built up your list of close friends on Facebook, how do you remove them? If you want to remove Facebook close friends from your list, there are four ways that you can go about doing this.

Four ways to remove Facebook close friends

Yes, you read that correctly, there are four ways that you can remove Facebook close friends.

  1. On your Facebook news feed
  2. From the Facebook close friends list news feed
  3. Directly from the Facebook close friends list
  4. The Facebook close friends news feed

To help you out, I’ve created a short two-minute video that gives you an in-depth view of the four areas where you can remove Facebook close friends.  The video also shows you how to remove Facebook close friends.

How to remove Facebook close friends

Continue reading How to remove Facebook Close Friends (video)

Facebook Graph Search, the Next Big Thing In Social Media?

Facebook Graph Search

Today, Facebook unveiled Facebook Graph Search, a new way to search through your Facebook connections and to help make them more useful (outside of just providing updates). What this means is that instead of searching through your Facebook news feed, you can use Facebook Graph Search to help you get more granular within your existing connections and make new connections in the process.

What is Facebook Graph Search?

Continue reading Facebook Graph Search, the Next Big Thing In Social Media?

Facebook for business or Facebook for personal – a comparison

It doesn’t really matter who you ask – when you mention the term social media, everyone instantly thinks Facebook. That’s because not only does Facebook have over 1 billion users looking to connect with their friends and family, but the social network also works great for business owners as well.

So how effective is Facebook at driving personal and business interactions?

Consider these stats about Facebook for personal and business use:

  • 1 in 7 people use Facebook for personal use
  • 1 in 3 businesses are on Facebook
  • 79% of Facebook fans are more likely to make a purchase
  • 74% of Facebook fans are more likely to recommend a brand to their friends

Couple that with the fact technology research firm, Gartner feels that social commerce is the next big thing and suggests that by 2015, social commerce will generate $30 billion in sales, there are plenty of reasons as to why you should be using Facebook for both personal and business reasons.

So which way should Facebook be used primarily for?  Facebook for business or Facebook for personal? Check out this infographic on how Facebook is currently being used – and the impact that it is having for personal uses and in business.

Continue reading Facebook for business or Facebook for personal – a comparison

How to get your Facebook Profile URL

Do you need to get your Facebook Profile URL?

If you’re new to Facebook, getting your URL can be a challenge because there are lots of places you can look.

Fortunately, you can get your profile URL in just 3 quick steps.

To get your Facebook Profile URL, follow the instructions below.

How to get your Facebook Profile URL

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[Download] Pinterest Infographic

Pinterest dimensions - Infographic

For those of you who are just getting started with Pinterest, it is important to know the proper dimensions.  This way you are producing quality images or videos and can maximize your opportunities to have your pinned images repinned by others.

To help you out, I’ve put together this Pinterest Dimensions infographic – complete with all of the proper sizes and tidbits of information you need to know to be effective on Pinterest.

Pinterest dimensions

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Facebook Onsite Notifications and what this means for your Facebook Pages

Facebook onsite notificationsToday, Facebook unveiled a new feature for Facebook Pages called onsite notifications.  While Facebook onsite notifications sounds like a tool to notify businesses when a customer or fan is “onsite” so that they can offer them a special or deal, it is anything but that.

What are Facebook onsite notifications?

Continue reading Facebook Onsite Notifications and what this means for your Facebook Pages

Adding a cover to your Facebook photo albums

Anytime you upload a photo to Facebook, by default, your photo you just uploaded is automatically set as the cover photo for your Facebook photo album. While this is great that they do this automatically, sometimes you just want to choose your own cover photo for your photo album that best represents the group of photos.

Here’s how you can add a cover to your Facebook photo albums on both your Facebook Page as well as your Facebook Profile.

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Time management with Facebook Add Interests lists [video]

Facebook Add Interests Lists
Facebook Add Interests Lists - Facebook Mobile App

One of my favorite (and often most-overlooked) Facebook features are add interests lists. Facebook ‘add interests lists’ are a tool to let you quickly and easily organize your Facebook Newsfeed into individualized lists.

Why organize your Facebook Newsfeed with Add Interests list?

One of the biggest challenges with using Facebook is that after we’ve friended a lot of people and liked a lot of Facebook Pages, eventually our newsfeed becomes too much to mange and we begin to miss updates from some of the Facebook profiles and pages because they’re simply too much content to go through.

With Add Interests Lists, we are able to better separate our Facebook Newsfeed so that we’re able to see relevant updates just by clicking on one of the lists that we’ve created. What I like most about this is that ‘add interests lists’ work when you’re visiting Facebook from your laptop, your tablet and also from the Facebook mobile app.

What can I include in Faebook Add Interests Lists?

The great thing about Add Interests Lists is that you can mix and match Facebook Profiles and Facebook Pages so that you see updates how you want to. For instance, I have a social media resource list which I use for browsing content from my favorite social media channels. I also have one for Final Cut Pro resources as well as one for updates from business partners and one for family among others.

Enough about Facebook Add Interests Lists, how do I create them, how do I access them, how do I order them, how do I subscribe to them? Watch the video below.

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Why your Facebook Page does not need Timeline to succeed

Lately, I’ve had a number of people emailing me – asking when will I get Timeline on my Facebook Page. Unfortunately, Facebook Profiles are just now receiving this update – and it usually takes users time to adapt to these new changes, so that means Facebook Pages will need to wait…a while.

McDonald's Timeline for Facebook Pages

But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You see, while Timeline is a great tool for Facebook Profiles — it did help Tim Tebow amass 1.4 million Facebook subscribers, Timeline for Facebook Pages isn’t so compelling – there are a number of reasons why you don’t really need Timeline and here’s the proof.

Continue reading Why your Facebook Page does not need Timeline to succeed