Bigger business isn’t necessarily better business

For one reason or another, we’re pre-programmed to fear big businesses. As a result, we don’t try, we don’t compete, and we simply just give up. Why is that?

Years ago, being a big business was absolutely required if you wanted to be successful. That’s not the case though anymore. In fact, you don’t need to be Walmart, Google or even to be successful.  Instead, you can be (more) successful as a small business – just look at Instagram.

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Apps & Updates: Lemon, Scanner Pro, Instaframe Pro and more

App Store updatesBelow are a few noteworthy apps for your smartphone (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Google Android, Windows phone) that I wanted to highlight. Some of these are available exclusively for your Apple iPhone/iPad, while others are available across all platforms (Apple iOS, Google Android, Windows).

So glad to be able to share my favorite mobile apps to help you simplify areas of you life.

This week’s notable apps:

Continue reading Apps & Updates: Lemon, Scanner Pro, Instaframe Pro and more

5 ways to build engagement through photo-sharing

Building Facebook engagement with photosA great way to create compelling content that will build engagement for your brand – whether personal branding or branding for your business, is to utilize photos. If you don’t believe me, just look at Instagram, which was purchased for $1 billion. It is essentially a social network for photo-sharing. Since Facebook now owns Instagram (and who knows what they will do with it), I put together 5 ways that you can build engagement now on Facebook through the simple technique of photo-sharing.

With the help of these 5 ways to build engagement through photo-sharing, not only will you build better brand recognition, but you’ll also have fun doing it!

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3 things to do before joining a social network

Social Media game planBefore you can do anything – whether it is to join a social network such as Facebook, learn how to use Instagram to capture and share photos with your friends, or even learn to get better at tracking your tweets on Twitter, you must have a goal in mind. Without a goal, it’s pretty difficult to develop a plan of attack to help get you from point A to point B.

For those of you that have made up your mind that you’re going to learn to incorporate social media into your business, here are 3 things you need to do before joining a social network.

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5 must have photo apps for Android devices

5 must have photo apps for Google Android

While I love the stock apps that come on most smartphones and tablets; often times, they don’t unlock the full potential of the device. For example, they give the user minimal control to color correct a photo or to crop out unwanted portions of a photo. As a result, photos often turn out lackluster when they should have turned out superb.   Fortunately, there are a lot of great photo app alternatives that you can download from the Android Marketplace.

As a heavy smartphone and tablet user, I like to keep a number of different apps on my devices – this way I have choices when deciding what kinds of edits to make to a photo.  To help you sort through the approximately 400,000 Android apps, I’ve selected 5 must have photo apps for Google Android smartphone and tablet owners.


5 must have photo apps for Google Android devices

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Social Media Hex Color Codes

Social Media Color Hex Codes

Knowing the right social media color when working in Adobe Photoshop Elements or your favorite graphics program can help save you valuable time when you need to create a social media icon or match your design to your favorite social network.

Here’s a list of the the hex codes for your favorite social media sites. Be sure to bookmark this page this way you have the right social media colors when you need them.

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