Commonly used acronyms on Facebook

Commonly used Facebook acronyms

Whether you’re just getting started with Facebook or you’ve been using the social network for a while, below is a list of commonly used acronyms (cua) that you can use on Facebook.

Remember, depending on the conversation you’re having, this list of commonly used Facebook acronyms might not always be appropriate so be sure to consider your audience before you use them in a public space.

Commonly used acronyms on Facebook

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App of the day: ColorText

Color Text Messages app for iPhone and iPadWhile the Apple iOS eco-system is rock solid, sometimes we just want to personalize it some. Unfortunately, the only customization we have are the ability to change the wallpapers and lock screen among a few others.

For anyone who is a regular sender of text messages, the standard blue and green text messages make it difficult to share your enthusiasm with the person you are texting.  For example, say you want to send someone a birthday cake in your text message – you couldn’t. You’re relegated to just typing happy birthday. How fun, right? Fortunately, there’s now an app for that called Color Text Messages+ for iOS.

What I like about this app:

Continue reading App of the day: ColorText