Vine Time Travel for editing Vine videos

Do you wish you could edit your Vine videos before you post them? Now you can with Vine time travel.

What is Vine time travel?

Vine Time Travel is tool for Vine that let’s you edit Vine videos.

With time travel, you can record a Vine video and now edit it right from your mobile device.

This is a valuable new feature for Vine users because previously, you could not edit Vines before posting them.

With Vine Time Travel, now you can. This should also lead to a creative boom for Vine enthusiasts.

Follow the instructions below to learn how to use Vine Time Travel to edit your Vine videos.

Editing videos with Vine time travel

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How to use Vine Sessions to save drafts of Vine videos

Do you wish you could save multiple Vine videos? Now you can with Vine Sessions.

What are Vine Sessions?

Vine Sessions are a way for you to shoot and save up to 10 drafts of Vine videos for you to use later on.

Creating sessions on Vine is very helpful. Now, you don’t have to focus so much on getting your Vine video right the first time because you can save multiple sessions and access them later on when you need them.

When you combine Vine Sessions with the Vine ghost tool and Vine focus tool you now have a very powerful set of tools to help you create amazing Vine videos.

Learn how to use Vine Sessions by following the instructions below.

How to create Vine Sessions

Continue reading How to use Vine Sessions to save drafts of Vine videos

Vine focus tool – putting the subject into focus

Vine focus tool
If you want to shoot good Vine videos, you want to use the Vine focus tool.

Like the Vine ghost tool, the Vine focus tool was designed to help make it possible for anyone with a smartphone to shoot good quality Vine videos.

What does the Vine focus tool do?

The focus tool is a way for Vine users to select which points in their video they want to focus on. This can be used to create a narrow or shallow depth of field to give videos an artistic style or you can use the focus tool to improve the lighting in your videos.

Using the Vine focus tools is fairly easy to do. You’ll just want to make sure you use it in the correct order. Otherwise when you think you’re focusing in your Vine video, you may be just shooting your Vine video.

To use the Vine focus tool, follow the instructions listed below or watch the Vine focus tool video tutorial.

How to use the Vine focus tool

Continue reading Vine focus tool – putting the subject into focus

Vine ghost tool – stop-motion animation videos like a pro – Video

Are you frustrated with shooting poor stop-motion animation videos using Vine? With the Vine ghost tool, you can now make better videos.

For those of you unfamiliar with stop-motion animation, it’s where you make an object move by itself. Here’s an example of a stop-motion animation video on Vine.

As you can see, this requires you to shoot the objects in one place, stop your Vine video, reposition the objects, and shoot more scenes for the Vine video. Without alignment tools, this can be challenging to shoot.

Fortunately, Vine has added the Vine ghost tool, which now makes it easier to position objects when you are shooting stop-motion animation videos. For example, without the Vine ghost tool, you had to remember how you aligned an object in frame. Now, using the Vine ghost tool, when you record a Vine video, it saves the last frame.

This way when you need to stop shooting and move your object, you can easily realign the objects in your Vine videos.

Making better videos with the Vine ghost tool

Vine ghost tool

To use the Vine ghost tool, follow the instructions below.

Continue reading Vine ghost tool – stop-motion animation videos like a pro – Video

Growing your connections by tagging on Vine

Do you take advantage of tagging on Vine to help spread the word about your Vines?

Anyone who posts videos on Vine needs to be using the tagging feature on the Vine app. This is because tagging is important in helping you grow your presence on Vine. 

Tagging on Vine

Tagging users on Vine can occur within the description of a Vine video or within comments. This is a great way to notify other Vine users when they have been featured in a Vine. You can also tag Vine users if you want to notify them about a Vine video that they should check out.

If you post a Vine video featuring a user and do not notify them that they are in it, how can you expect them to view your Vine and share it with their followers?

To tag on Vine, follow the instructions below.

Tagging on Vine

Continue reading Growing your connections by tagging on Vine

How to report Vine comments in 4 quick steps [video]

How to report Vine comments

When someone leaves an inappropriate comment on Vine, do you report Vine comments?

While social media is the #1 activity on the web and we are sharing more of our lives with others, it is important to monitor the comments that you receive and to remove them.

Why report Vine comments?

There is always going to be someone who comes along and wants to bring you down. Remember, it is your content and if someone posts something that is inappropriate, offensive, or mean, you have the ability to remove it – or better yet, report it.

Instead of just removing offensive comments by deleting them, it is much better to report Vine comments. Here are a few reasons why you would want to do this instead.

  • Cleans up your Vine comments – remember, your Vines are public
  • Users may not want to share your Vines if there are offensive comments
  • If your comments are overrun with inappropriate comments, users may not want to follow

How to report Vine comments
Continue reading How to report Vine comments in 4 quick steps

How to delete Vine comments you don’t want in 3 steps

When posting comments on sites like Vine, do you ever manage and delete Vine comments?

Managing and deleting comments on social networks like Vine is important for a number of reasons. Mainly, when you delete comments on Vine, it helps to keep the comment stream clutter-free. This way your followers can easily keep up with the conversation. But don’t let that be the only reason why you should manage and delete Vine comments.

w to delete Vine comments

Why delete Vine comments?

While you don’t have to manage your Vine account like a hawk and delete every comment, it is important to be aware of what comments are coming in and to know how to delete them on Vine.

1. Inappropriate comments

Vine isn’t perfect. In fact, a lot of Vine users get a lot of inappropriate comments. If you’re someone who gets a lot of inappropriate comments on your Vines, you’ll most likely want to delete these comments as soon as possible.

If you have a lot of followers on Vine, this could give them an unfavorable impression of your account and in return, they might not want to share your vines because there are comments that may be inappropriate for others to see.

2. Double-posting

Another scenario where you want to go and delete Vine comments is if you accidentally double-post a comment.

While it isn’t crucial, smartphones have a way of doing crazy things sometimes so be sure to keep an eye on your Vine comments feed. This way you can keep it clutter-free.

3. Typing errors

There currently is not a way to edit comments that you leave on Vine. If you happen to make a mistake when typing on your mobile device, you can always go back and correct it by deleting your Vine comment and reposting it.

How to delete Vine comments

Continue reading How to delete Vine comments you don’t want in 3 steps

5 ways to add Vine videos to a blog post

Embed Vine videos

No doubt, Vine is an extremely powerful tool to help you create great content for your social media channels. But what about using Vine videos in your blog posts?

Once you’ve created your Vine masterpiece, you’re not just limited to sharing it with the Vine community. In fact, you can take it a step further and include Vine videos on your blog.

Note: This should work on WordPress (self-hosted and sites), Blogger, Tumblr, even on a Facebook landing page.

5 ways to add Vine videos to a blog post

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Delete Vine Videos & Clean-up Your Profile [video]

Overall, I absolutely love the concept of the video-sharing app, Vine. I find it very fun, not to mention, you can create some pretty amazing and helpful content. From time-to-time though, it is important to go back and delete Vine videos that you no longer need.

These are most likely videos you created and uploaded when you were first learning how to use Vine.

Why delete Vine videos?

Delete Vine videos

While there’s no official rule that says you need to delete Vine videos that you no longer need, deleting old videos can be helpful.

Here are a few reasons why you should go back and delete Vine videos.

  • Removes embarrassing content or test content
  • Cleans up your Vine profile
  • Makes your Vine profile look more professional

How to delete Vine videos and clean-up your profile

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