Facebook hashtag facts

10 Facts about the Facebook hashtag

Facebook hashtag facts

What’s so great about the Facebook hashtag? Is it the fact that you can now sort your Facebook newsfeed content a little better? Maybe it’s the discovery mode where you can learn about new businesses to like (or avoid) just by clicking a hashtag in your Facebook news feed.

With so many positive things to like about hashtags on Facebook, we’ve compiled a list of 10 facts about the Facebook hashtag.

10 Facts about the Facebook hashtag

1. If you have Twitter or Instagram automatically publishing to Facebook, your hashtags are clickable!

2. You can search for a Facebook hashtag

3. Hashtags don’t work in the Facebook app, but work in the mobile browser

4. Brands cannot purchase specific hashtags

5. You cannot pay to promote a hashtag, but you can promote a post that contains a hashtag

6. Facebook Ad targeting of hashtags is currently not supported

7. Only conversations with hashtags that are public show up in search results

8. If you search for a specific hashtag like #marketing, you won’t see recommended hashtags.

Facebook hashtag search

9. If you click on a hashtag in your news feed, you’ll see a list of similar hashtags (in the blue bar)

Facebook hashtag marketing

10. There’s currently no way to filter out hashtags that are spam (ugh!)

While there may be a few facts about the Facebook hashtag that I don’t like right now – such as not being able to filter out spam, there’s plenty of room to grow.

If you’re still confused about the Facebook hashtag, be sure to check out this comprehensive Facebook hashtags tutorial.

Question: Have you used the Facebook hashtag yet in your posts? What is your favorite or least favorite thing about them? 

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