How Do You Get Followers on Twitter? [Infographic]

One of the questions I often get asked about is how do you get followers on Twitter? I’ll be honest, building and growing your network of followers on Twitter can be very challenging, especially if you’re new to Twitter.

Most Twitter newbies have grand plans to amass thousands of followers overnight.  The same can be said for people who have been using Twitter for years.  In most cases, you feel like you’re doing work, but not seeing the needle move.  Unfortunately, growing your followers on Twitter does not happen that quickly.

If you want to get followers on Twitter, you have to work at it. This means using Twitter search to find people you share a common interest with. In addition, one of the key things you can do to get followers on Twitter is to be interesting. This means tweeting about a specific topic, sharing an article you found interesting, or even a photograph you took.  There really is no wrong way to share content.  Basically, share what you think others might find interesting.

So how do you get followers on Twitter by sharing content? Sharing content is part of the equation. No one wants to follow an account that doesn’t tweet.

Once you have started tweeting, what you need to do next to get followers is to learn how to retweet.

For those of you who don’t know what a retweet is, it’s sharing someone’s tweet with your own network. There is also a science to sending a retweet.

How do you get followers on Twitter?

Take a moment to review this infographic on “The Art of Getting Retweets.”  By tweeting your own updates and retweeting others, it can help you get followers on Twitter at a much faster pace.

Continue reading How Do You Get Followers on Twitter? [Infographic]

Why a routine should be routine

Develop a social media routine like putting on your socksHave you ever stopped to think about what you get done throughout the course of a day? It’s actually pretty remarkable if you really think about it. Not only do you find time to make lunches, drop the kids off at school, go to work – and still make soccer practice as well as dinner, but somehow you are able to get all of this done in a normal eight hour day.

Whether you realize it or not, the reason you are able to accomplish so much is because you follow a routine. For a lot of people who are just starting out incorporating social media into their already long list of daily activities, having a routine should really be routine and here’s why.

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