How to be pinteresting on Pinterest

How to Be Pinteresting and Build Influence on Pinterest

How to Be Pinteresting and Build Influence

Do you know how to be Pinteresting? We all know what Pinterest is, but what does the term Pinteresting really mean? Basically Pinteresting means that you’re interesting on Pinterest.

Why be Pinteresting?

Before we talk about how to be pinteresting, think about the people and the pinboards you currently follow on Pinterest.  Why is it that you follow them?  Is it because they are boring?  I hope that’s not the case.  Why would anyone want to follow a pinboard that’s boring?  Instead, if you want to grow your Pinterest following and get more repins, you have to be Pinteresting.

If you’re pinteresting, not only will it help you get more repins and followers, but it will also help boost your online influence on Pinterest because people will find the content that you curate interesting and in-turn, share it with their friends.

Although most of the users on Pinterest are women, Pinterest continues to see a lot of men join the network.  This makes it a great a platform for businesses to boost their online influence and helps them to reach their target audience.  By targeting the right audience and getting into their minds, you can influence Pinterest users to not only buy your products, but to also help build your brand, promote your business, and grow the size of your Pinterest following at the same time!

Be sure to check out this Pinterest infographic on the different types of Pinterest users, what they do, and where they shop.  You may want to connect with like-minded users to help boost your online influence with Pinterest.

Infographic on how to be pinteresting:

How to be Pinteresting on Pinterest and Build Influence [Infographic]

[Source: Maxymiser]

Question: What do you think makes someone interesting on Pinterest and makes you want to follow their pinboards? Is it the number of pinboards, their number of followers? The names of their pinboards? Click here to  leave your comments below. 

Infographic Credit: Maxymiser