Tagging on Vine

Growing your connections by tagging on Vine

Do you take advantage of tagging on Vine to help spread the word about your Vines?

Anyone who posts videos on Vine needs to be using the tagging feature on the Vine app. This is because tagging is important in helping you grow your presence on Vine. 

Tagging on Vine

Tagging users on Vine can occur within the description of a Vine video or within comments. This is a great way to notify other Vine users when they have been featured in a Vine. You can also tag Vine users if you want to notify them about a Vine video that they should check out.

If you post a Vine video featuring a user and do not notify them that they are in it, how can you expect them to view your Vine and share it with their followers?

To tag on Vine, follow the instructions below.

Tagging on Vine

YouTube Preview Image

1. Launch the Vine app

2. Create your Vine video

3. When you’re ready to share your Vine video, type @ and the users name

4. Select a user and post your Vine video

Tagging users in Vine comments

To tag users in Vine comments, follow these steps.

1. Launch the Vine app

2. Click the comments icon

3. Click the “person” icon

4. Type @ and the persons name

5. Select a user and send your comment

Tagging on Vine is a very powerful way to get more people to see your Vine videos and share them with their followers. In return, the more users who share your Vine videos, the more chances you’ll gain new followers in the process.

Remember, if you don’t tag users, don’t expect them to view and revine your Vines.

Question: Do you tag users in Vine videos and Vine comments? If not, why? Do you find it difficult, do you forget? Let me know in the comments. You can leave a comment here.