Facebook Timeline cover photo - 2012

5 ideas for Facebook Page Timeline cover photos

5 Facebook Timeline cover photo ideasFacebook Timeline – love it or hate it, it’s here to stay as of March 30, 2012.  While embracing change may be difficult for some people, with the new Facebook Pages Timeline layout, there are now a lot of GREAT benefits for page owners.  We’re going to share with you 5 ideas for Facebook Page Timeline cover photos to help you make the most of the new Facebook Pages and to help you attract more visitors and customers as a result.

So before we begin, lets talk about why you would want to use a Timeline cover photo.

With Facebook removing the ability to have fans land on a default landing page, page owners will need a new hook to get fans excited about their Facebook Page. Enter Timeline cover photos. Not only are they the first thing fans see, but they can really help show off your business and what you have to offer. And we’re not just talking logos or photo of yourself. If you’re a musician and you write your own songs, share photos of you in the studio. If you have a product, show photos of that product – it could be the product when it is getting manufactured, a finished product, or even a sample product you are working on. This way you let fans know who you are and what you have to offer, and it gives them better insight into what you do and helps get them excited about it too.

So here are 5 ideas for Facebook Page Timeline cover photos to consider posting on your Facebook Page.


Promote products in Facebook Timeline cover photoMost businesses go the typical route - posting their logo. While a logo is important, it doesn't really get fans excited - and that's what we want to do here! Consider posting a photo of your best-selling products, a new product, or even a sample product you plan to launch in the near future. It creates intrigue. It also helps get fans excited - and talking, which is what you want!

Customer appreciation

Customer of the monthYour business wouldn't exist without customers. One way to get fans and customers excited is to feature one of them once a month (be sure to ask them if it's OK to post their photo first). Think of it like a mini-contest for your customers. The cost: your time. The reward? Creating loyalty among your customers and fans.

Employee of the month

Employee of the monthSo many companies overlook the value of their employees. While the products and the owners are always the main focus, don't be afraid to show off your employees to your customers. Let them know who packs their order, answers the phones, or even writes code for the website. This helps create a seamless connection between every part of the business.

Fans with products

Customers using productsWant free advertising for your business all while getting fans excited? Ask fans and customers to send you photos of them with your products. This helps to create brand recognition. At the same time, customers who are passionate about a product you offer are more than willing to share it with others.

Should you have trouble taking photos of fans with products, don't be afraid to reach out to them via your Facebook Page or over email and provide them with instructions on what you need and where to send it.

Company milestones

Share important company milestones on your Facebook Page Timeline photoDid your company hit a new milestone? Milestones could be reaching 100 fans or even 10,000 fans, being featured in a magazine or on a website. One thing is for certain, you want to let your fans know about it. A great way to do this is to post a photo of this monumental event. This way it doesn't just get relegated amongst all of the other links you shared, but it remains front and center. Remember, milestones are not just numbers - they can be anything you think is important about your business that your fans should know about!

Remember, the possibilities are endless as far as what  you can include in your Facebook Page’s Timeline cover photo – just be sure you follow Facebook’s Timeline cover photo guidelines.

The one thing to ask yourself when choosing a Facebook Page Timeline cover photo is – is it interesting? Sure, I know you’re going to be biased towards your own product, but don’t be afraid to ask your friends and fans before posting.