Edit Facebook look back videos

How to edit Facebook look back videos

In celebration of Facebook’s 10th Anniversary, they launched Facebook Look back videos.

Facebook Look back videos are a personalized way to see how your life evolved on Facebook since you first joined.

While Look back videos seem like a great idea, some users didn’t like that Facebook didn’t let you edit your look back video.

If you didn’t like your Facebook look back video, don’t worry.

Facebook will let you edit Facebook look back videos.

To edit your Facebook look back video, follow these instructions.

How to edit Facebook Look back videos

Step 1: View your Facebook look back video

Step 2: Click the “edit” button

Facebook look back videos - Edit button

Step 3: Select moments to include in each section

When you edit Facebook look back videos, you can make changes to your video.

Here are the different sections you can edit.

Your First moments (choose 3 photos)

Your first moments

Your most liked posts (choose 4 photos)

Your most liked posts

Uploaded photos ( choose 9 photos)

Uploaded photos

Photo grids (choose 38 photos)

Photo grids

To edit each section of photos, simply select the ones you want to include in your Facebook look back video.
The photos that are displayed come from your own Facebook Profile so if there is a photo you want to include, you will need to make sure it is uploaded to your profile.

Step 4: Share your Facebook look back video

When are finished editing your video, the last thing to do is click the “share movie” button.

Your turn

Overall, I’m a little surprised Facebook is letting users edit their look back movies. They usually don’t let users make too many changes, but this is a good step in the right direction!

Will you go and edit your Facebook look back videos?

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