To be successful on using Instagram for business, it requires developing a following and continuously creating and sharing new and exciting photos and videos with your audience to get them excited about products and services.
As your content gets shared, more people will see it and engage with it and help grow your network.
While this process will help you grow your Instagram following, you could be missing out on adding more followers when you don’t integrate Instagram with Facebook.
Here are three ways you can integrate Instagram with Facebook to help to get more exposure for your photos and videos and grow your presence on Instagram.
Instead of sitting around waiting at your keyboard to search Facebook posts, here is a nifty trick using Google to search through posts from a Facebook Profile or Facebook Page.
Google + Facebook search strategy
I have been using this Google search trick for a while and it is very handy for a number of reasons:
Search competitor Facebook Pages
Search your friends posts
Search posts for people you are not friends with
Save time and quickly locate past posts
To use Google to search Facebook posts, follow these instructions.
Are your Facebook photo albums a mess? Do you wish you could rearrange Facebook albums?
For those of you who plan to get more organized in 2014, a good place to start is with the Facebook photo albums. Not only is it relatively easy to create an album, but this action of getting organized can spillover into your personal life as well.
Here is a handy shortcut to help get your Facebook photo albums more organized on Facebook Profiles and Facebook Pages.
Rearranging Facebook photo albums can be time-consuming. Source: Joyoflife.
Are you concerned that you might not have the right privacy settings marked when posting a status update on Facebook? Learn how to quickly check your Facebook privacy settings using the Facebook view as tool.
While it is very easy to use the Facebook view as tool, for one reason or another, we forget to use it.
By not using it, this can put us into an embarrassing situation if someone we didn’t intend to share our updates with see’s them. For example, if you didn’t intend to share that holiday party photo with your co-workers.
To use the view as tool to see what someone can and cannot view on your Facebook profile, follow these instructions.
Since September, Facebook has been testing an easier way to watch videos. After months of testing and seeing higher levels of engagement in people liking, commenting, and watching videos, they announced a premium ad called Facebook video ads.
What are Facebook video ads?
Example of Facebook video ads in the news feed.
Facebook video ads are a way for advertisers to display video content in a users’ news feed.
When a user is viewing their news feed and a video ad appears, the video will begin to autoplay without sound.
Before you get mad and delete your Facebook account, don’t worry. They’re not that bad.
That’s because in order to play a video with sound, users will need to click on the video to play it with sound.
What they’re not
I am surprised at how many people are already complaining about Facebook video ads. They’re not live, so you really have nothing to compare them to yet.
For those of you trying to figure out what they look like, forget about seeing a Facebook news feed with lots of videos playing at one time.
Facebook knows what they are doing. Video ads will autoplay (without sound).
One additional thing if you want to watch the video ad with sound, users will need to click the ad. If you want to skip the video ad, you can scroll right past them.
Why you don’t need to worry about Facebook video ads
While Facebook is currently testing video ads with select partners like Summit Entertainment, most users won’t need to worry about seeing an abundance of video ads in their news feed.
As I mentioned, they’re a premium feature and because they will cost $2 million per 15 second spot (source), you’ll mostly only see video ads from companies with deep pockets, which means the ads should be pretty good.
This doesn’t mean you should avoid Facebook video ads. They are coming to a news feed near you at some point so get ready.
If you share a lot of videos on your Facebook Page, one thing you want to do is to be sure to customize your Facebook video thumbnail images.
Why use a custom image?
When you customize your image, this gives you the opportunity to determine what your fans see in their news feed. Doing this can influence their decision to click on your video.
For example, how many of you would click on a video that had this image in your news feed?
Facebook video without a custom thumbnail.
How about this one instead?
Facebook video with a custom thumbnail.
So how do you go about setting a custom Facebook video thumbnail image? Follow the instructions below.
One of the missing features on Facebook was the ability to edit Facebook posts.
While sites like Google Plus have had the ability to edit posts when they first launched, Facebook is finally rolling out the ability to edit posts to pages and profiles.