How to segment your email list

How to Segment Your Email List to Generate More Revenue

Do you segment your email lists?

If you don’t create different lists, you could be missing out on a higher open rate, more clicks, and more revenue for your business.

This article is going to teach you eight ways on how to segment your email list.

The importance of segmenting your email list

When I first started setting up my email lists in Aweber, I used one list for everything.

This seemed like a good idea to send everyone on my list an email.

But then I noticed something happening.

When I would email the list, I had a lot of people unsubscribe from my list.

Not only did this reduce the size of my list very quickly, it also caused the following to happen.

  • It didn’t add value for the people on my list
  • Reduced traffic to my website
  • Resulted in lost revenue
  • Lowered my influencer rating with my email list

By not segmenting my email list, I was trying to hit a moving target.

Why segment your email list?

Just because someone opens an email about Facebook doesn’t mean they are interested in content on Instagram.

When you learn how to segment your email list, you can improve your targeting.

This way when I send out something on a specific topic, I can send it to the people who signed up to receive information about that topic.

In-turn, this can improve my relationship with the people on my list because I’m giving them what they want.

It can also lead to more people opening my emails and clicking through to the content.

Eight ways to segment your email list

To help you learn more about how to segment your email list, Email on Acid shows you 8 different ways to segment your list to maximize ROI:

  1. By Demographic
  2. Based on survey results
  3. Frequency
  4. Geolocation
  5. Weather
  6. Purchase Cycle
  7. Past Purchases
  8. Based on engagement

Let’s take a closer look on how to segment your email list.

How to segment your email list

How to segment your email list
Segment your email list to better target your campaigns to the right audience

To learn how to segment your email list, download this free guide to get started.

Over to you

By taking the time to segment your email list, you can better target your content to your lists.

This can lead to more opens, clicks, and higher revenue because you’re providing the right content to the right people.

Want personalized help with learning how to segment your email list? Contact me now!