Infographic - Twitter dimensions

[Download] Twitter Infographic

Infographic - Twitter dimensions

Twitter has been really busy the past few weeks – not only did they add Twitter header images to improve the look of your Twitter profile, but they also added a rich iPad experience. So far, I’ve had the opportunity to work with both and I’m excited about the possibilities that they provide users.  Not only do these updates make Twitter even more powerful, but they vastly improve upon the user experience.

What’s great is that now, not only can personalize your Twitter account, but because they have revamped the iPad and iPhone experience, your design now carries across each, meaning it’s important to have an updated Twitter header image. In addition, this change will help take the focus off of showing just your tweets and encourage followers to get to know you better.

To help you out, I’ve put together a Twitter Dimensions infographic – complete with all of the new sizes and information you need to know on the new Twitter.

Twitter dimensions

  • Twitter header image: 1252 x 626 px (max file size of 5 mb)
  • Profile photo: 128 x 128 px, resized to 48 x 48 px
  • Background image: 1200 x 600 px
  • Twitter bio: 160 characters (including spaces)
  • Tweets: 140 characters (including links and spaces)

Remember, while it is important to post tweets that keep your audience engaged, you also want to leverage your Twitter header image to showcase products, downloads and more – here are 30 examples of Twitter header images done right.

Know someone who could benefit from knowing Twitter Dimensions? I’ve included a downloadable infographic on Twitter dimensions  for you to share.

Download your Twitter Dimensions infographic