Twitter organization

4 Twitter apps to help you organize yourself better

Twitter organizationOne of the keys to using Twitter regularly, isn’t just using it – when we do this we tend to send out less signal and more noise that just wastes time.  Instead, the key is to learn how it can work for YOU. Start by asking yourself, what challenges do I face with using Twitter.  Is it not understanding the terminology or how to send a tweet Twitter? Maybe I’m good at sending out tweets, but not so good at replying back to other users that have tweeted me back.  By identifying problem area(s) that you need help with, you can begin getting yourself organized and building a strategy around Twitter for yourself or even your business.

Below are 4 of my favorite apps to help you organize yourself better on Twitter.

  1. Remember the Milk
    Purpose: send yourself, your loved ones or your business associates, a to-do list. The to-do list is sent as a direct message (DM), a private messages through Twitter.
  2. Timer
    Purpose: remind yourself to do some task. Like Remember the Milk, these are sent by direct message (DM).
  3. Twellow
    Purpose: take your public tweets and categorizes them into groups. Think of it like the yellow pages for Twitter followers.
  4. Twittercal
    Purpose: connects your Twitter account to your Google Calendar

Give these a try and let me know which one’s you find most useful – and if there are others that you like better, let me know by leaving a comment below.