How to Twitter - the basics

How to Twitter [Infographic]

While there are a lot of social networks to sign-up for, probably one of the easiest social networks to join and start using has to be Twitter. While most networks require you to add friends and start following people, Twitter takes a different approach.Instead, all you need to do is sign-up (which takes about a minute) and then you can begin looking at posts from  other Twitter users and can interact with their content by tweeting, retweeting and following those users.

To help you get started with learning Twitter lingo, check out this Infographic on how to Twitter, complete with all of the steps you need to sign-up, select a username, and begin following and tweeting to others on Twitter.

Infographic on the basics on how to use Twitter

Grow your social network on Twitter with Twiends.

What do you consider the most difficult part of using Twitter? Building a following, learning the ropes on Twitter, or shortening your thoughts to just 140 characters?  Send me a tweet with your answer.