Facebook link thumbnail image dimensions [Template]

With Facebook releasing new Facebook link thumbnail image dimensions, it’s time to learn how to update your images within your blog post or website. This way whenever someone shares your links on Facebook, the images look great within the Facebook news feed. To do that, we have created a free Facebook link thumbnail image dimensions template for you to use.

This collection of templates is available for the desktop, mobile, and sidebar images on Facebook.

To use these templates, you can download the recommended template. This requires having larger images to work with.

If you don’t have larger images, we recommend using the mobile template so that your images are optimized for Facebook.

By using this Facebook link thumbnail image template, you can quickly create images that scale perfectly across Facebook.

To use the Facebook link thumbnail image dimensions template, just follow these instructions.

Facebook link thumbnail image dimensions

Continue reading Facebook link thumbnail image dimensions [Template]

How to create a Facebook Timeline cover

Custom Facebook Timeline cover - Christian Karasiewicz
Facebook isn’t just a place to post your family photos or your favorite links to your website or your buiness. Rather, it’s a portal – a way to help you connect not only with friends and family, but also with other new and interesting people.

With the introduction of Facebook Timeline, users now have the ability to show-off what makes them tick with a custom cover for their Facebook profile. This can be a single photo that fills your Facebook profile – or a custom one like above. One thing to note, Facebook Timeline is only available for Facebook profiles at the moment, but I suspect that Facebook pages will get this extremely beneficial feature sometime in 2012.

Why use a custom Timeline cover?

By going with a custom Facebook Timeline cover, it gives you the ability to show your Facebook friends along with potential new ones, a look inside your life. By giving others a view into your life and what makes you tick, you’ll have the ability to connect with other people who also share a similar passion.

For example, in my custom Facebook Timeline cover, I’ve added a few photos from people I have met along with personal photos.  If you are a real estate agent, you could design your Facebook Timeline cover  to where it showcases you selling homes (or even some of the homes you have available). If you’re an actor, you could show scenes from you on the set of your latest project. Business owners can benefit from a custom Facebook Timeline cover by showing pictures of their store, their store signage, along with some of their top-selling products.

Creating your custom Facebook Timeline cover

Once you’ve decided on what to use for your Facebook Timeline Cover, the last thing to do is to create it! To help you get started, I’ve included a link to a FREE Facebook Timeline cover template that I have created along with instructions.

How to use the template: Continue reading How to create a Facebook Timeline cover