How to access the “top secret” Hyperlapse labs menu

By now you’ve seen a lot of examples of businesses and brands using Hyperlapse by Instagram to create timelapse and stop-motion videos.

You can view them here  and here.

Hopefully you’ve had a chance to experiment and use Hyperlapse yourself.

Did you know there is also a secret Hyperlapse labs menu!

In this article, I’m going to show you how to access a “top secret” Hyperlapse labs menu filled with a lot of powerful settings.

What is in Hyperlapse labs?

Hyperlapse labs includes a lot of very useful settings.

Here are some of them.

Hyperlapse labs menu
Learn how to access the Hyperlapse labs secret menu where you can change the video resolution.
  • Change the resolution from 720p to 1080p
  • Alter the frame rate
  • Set background saving
  • Run calibaration
  • Use Hyperlapse EXTREME to increase the speed from 12X to 24X and 42X
  • And more…

To access Hyperlapse labs, follow these instructions.

How to access Hyperlapse labs

Continue reading How to access the “top secret” Hyperlapse labs menu

Instagram everywhere! How to upload photos and videos to Instagram from a computer

Have you ever needed to upload photos and videos to Instagram from a computer? 

While Instagram is primarily a mobile site, they do allow you to access an Instagram feed where you can view, like, comment, and embed an Instagram photo in a blog or website.

But what if you want to upload photos to Instagram from your computer?

Right now, Instagram does not offer this feature.

Instead, you can use a third-party tool to upload photos and videos to Instagram from a computer.

What types of media can you upload to Instagram?

You can upload photos and videos to Instagram and even use Instagram Direct to share private content.

To upload your photos and videos to Instagram, follow the instructions below.

How to upload photos and videos to Instagram from a computer

Continue reading Instagram everywhere! How to upload photos and videos to Instagram from a computer

How to upload Instagram photos from a computer

One of the frustrating things about using Instagram is being confined to using a mobile device to upload Instagram photos. Fortunately, there’s a way to upload instagram photos from computers that are not mobile devices or tablets such as from a desktop or a laptop.
Upload Instagram photos from computer

While you’ve probably been relying on Dropbox to move photos to your mobile device from your computer, if you take a lot of photos, you’ll need enough storage to store all of your photos within Dropbox.

The great thing is that while Instagram is primarily used from mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, you can upload Instagram photos from computers if you like.

To upload Instagram photos from your computer is really easy, just follow the instructions listed below.

Note: you can only upload one photo at a time using these instructions.

How to upload Instagram photos from computers such as a desktop or laptop

Continue reading How to upload Instagram photos from a computer

How to embed Instagram photos and videos in 4 steps

Instagram recently rolled out the ability to embed Instagram photos and videos on your blog or website.

How to embed Instagram photos and videos on your blog or website

This is great news if you’re a heavy Instagram user because now your photos can be free of the Instagram news feed and shared where they really matter most – on your blog or website.

By using the embed feature of Instagram, this allows you the opportunity to post your photos and videos on Instagram and leverage the 130 million Instagram users and then take that content and share it on your blog or website for users who aren’t on Instagram.

What can you do with photos and videos you embed on your blog or website?

While you can embed Instagram photos and videos on your blog or website, not all of the features from Instagram carryover. Here’s a rundown on what features you have when you embed Instagram content.

  • Link to the Instagram profile who posted the content
  • See how many likes and comments content received on Instagram
  • Can only embed one Instagram photo or video at a time. If you want to embed three items, this requires three separate codes
  • No ability to comment on Instagram photos or videos  – you must go to Instagram to do this
  • No ability to add hashtags on content you embed from Instagram – you must go to Instagram for this

Is there a difference embedding Instagram photos or videos?

Kudos to Instagram for making this process extremely easy. The process for embedding Instagram photos and videos is exactly the same – and it’s something you can do in 4 easy steps.

Keep reading for instructions and a video on how to embed Instagram photos and videos on your site.

Embed Instagram photos and videos in 4 easy steps!

Continue reading How to embed Instagram photos and videos in 4 steps

Link Instagram and Facebook Pages You Manage

Instagram logo

If you want to link Instagram and Facebook Pages that you manage, all it takes is a few minutes.

Before you link Instagram and Facebook Pages together, consider these amazing stats: every 58 seconds, a photo is uploaded to Instagram1 new user joins Instagram every second, and 50 million+ users are already using Instagram.

If those don’t move you to link Instagram and Facebook Pages you manage together, think about it from your fans’ standpoint.

Besides posting  typical Facebook Page updates – “LIKE this post…”, we launched a new product or news about your brand, Instagram photos can be a great way to boost the quality of the content you already post to your Facebook Page.

Why link Instagram and Facebook Pages?

Continue reading Link Instagram and Facebook Pages You Manage