Changing your affiliation with the Facebook Pages follow button

Facebook has been making a lot of updates to Facebook Pages over the past few months. Not only did they roll out the Facebook reviews button, which let’s fans leave a review about a business, but now they have now rolled out the Facebook Pages follow button.

While the follow button was a feature they were testing for Facebook Pages in October, it’s finally here.

What this means is that instead of liking every Facebook Page, fans and customers have a choice. They can like a page or choose to follow Facebook Pages.

I consider this to be a major announcement because it changes the level to which fans and customers can engage with a Facebook Page.

Changing interactions with Facebook Pages

Previously, the Facebook follow button was a feature only reserved for Facebook Profiles.

This gave people the opportunity to friend people they knew personally and to follow people they didn’t.

For example, most people would send a friend request to a family member and follow a celebrity or public figure. This way they would be able to see updates from both people in their news feed without being friends with everyone.

Now, instead of liking a Facebook Page by becoming a fan and liking their page, you can choose to follow a page instead.

Following vs. Liking a Facebook Page

As I mentioned, this is pretty significant. Here’s why.

Previously, in order to interact with a Facebook Page, you could add them to an interest list or if you wanted to see their updates in your news feed, you had to like their page.

This is great if it’s someone you know and you support their business. But what if you want to see their updates in your news feed, but you don’t really want to endorse them (because that’s what liking a page essentially does). There really was no other option.

With the follow button for Facebook Pages, now you can selectively choose which pages you like and which ones you follow.

In both situations, this solves the problem of seeing their updates in the news feed and it let’s fans and customers be more selective about which pages they endorse to their friends.

How to use the Facebook Pages follow button

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3 types of questions to ask your Facebook fans

Know your Facebook fansPop quiz: Who are your top fans on your Facebook Page? For most Facebook Page owners, you probably don’t know this valuable information…but you should.

The bread and butter of any company who is using social media to build engagement with fans and potential customers isn’t the number of fans you have, nor is it the amount of cash you make off it. Rather, it is the relationships you build with your customers.

Why is this important?

Without fans who are engaged, it’s like trying to swim against the current. You’ll eventually get to your destination, but it will take you twice as long (if not longer). One other thing to remember, simply asking a question is not the key to finding out who your top fans are. What it will do is help stir interest.As a Facebook Page owner, you’ll want to pay attention to who responds and make a mental note on people you see responding on a recurring basis – these are the fans you want to  focus in on and learn about, because they seem the most likely engaged fans because they’re responding often.

Below are three types of questions you can ask your fans starting today to help you learn more about them and to help you better engage with them.

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5 ways to promote your Facebook page

Having a Facebook page for your business is a great way to get started – why? Facebook currently has a page rank of 2 according to Alexa – that’s just behind Google. What this means is that your Facebook page will get indexed faster by Google, thus improving your ability to get people to your Facebook page.

Once you’ve created a Facebook page though I’m sure many of you are expecting traffic to just start flowing in automatically. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Here are 5 ways to promote your Facebook page and drive Facebook traffic.

#1: Invite your friends

The most convenient way to increase traffic to your Facebook page is to simply tell your friends. To make it easier, I recommend setting up a list – call it “Facebook page invitations” or something easy to remember.  Once you’ve done this, begin adding friends to this list.

Once you have your list setup to invite friends from a Facebook list you have created, visit your Facebook page and click “suggest to friends” and begin typing the name of the list you created. This will invite just those individuals in that list.

Remember, not everyone checks Facebook everyday, so it may take time to build up the number of likes on your page.  As you make more friends, remember to add them to the list you created. and to continue inviting that list.

Note: If someone that is in the list you are inviting has a pending invitation, they will be grayed out meaning you cannot invite them until they like your page or a certain amount of time passes.

Continue reading 5 ways to promote your Facebook page