How to create a Google Plus badge in 4 easy steps

While Facebook has been the dominant social network for the past couple of years, a challenger has entered the ring by way of Google+. While most sites have dared to go toe-to-toe with the behemoth that is Facebook, Google+ hasn’t shied away. In fact, in Google’s recent earnings call, they cited 90 million subscribers – a substantial number, considering they haven’t been around but for just a few months, Google has also been really good at listening to their subscribers for new features.

Today we’re going to show you how you can capitalize on Google+’s growth by adding a Google Plus badge to your website in 4 easy steps.

Continue reading How to create a Google Plus badge in 4 easy steps

8 simple and effective Facebook Page status updates you can start using today!

8 types of effective Facebook Page status updatesThe best way to engage your Facebook fans is by posting status updates (duh!). What most people fail to realize is that it isn’t just about posting status updates (and lots of them). Instead, you need to take a step back and create more meaningful updates that will enchant and intrigue your fans to where they want to comment, like or share your status updates with others.

Sounds a lot easier said than done, doesn’t it? In addition to focusing on the quality of your status updates, you also need to be aware of Facebook’s algorithm called Edgerank.  Edgerank is an assigned score that determines your placement in someone else’s Facebook Newsfeed.

Edgerank scores focus on three main variables; popularity (how many likes, comments or shares a post gets), fan interest/relevance (how often do fans interact with your page – if at all) and recency (when your status update was posted). Each of these criteria are combined to then determine a Facebook Edgerank score, which pushes your content up someones News Feed.

So how do I get more comments, likes and shares to improve my Facebook Edgerank?

It is important to realize that it isn’t about the sheer quantity of updates, rather it is about the interactions and buzz generated from those updates.  I certainly recognize that coming up with status updates and ideas to post on a regular basis can be challenging.  That’s why I have put together a list of status updates that you can start using today to improve the levels of engagement with fans which can increase comments, likes and shares your updates receive.

Note: before writing any status updates, remember the golden rule of marketing – “know your customers.” Modify your status updates with the below recommendations so that they are unique to your Facebook Page and your customers.

8 simple and effective status updates you can use on Facebook Pages to generate better engagement with fans:

Continue reading 8 simple and effective Facebook Page status updates you can start using today!

10 Google+ links every user should know

Google Plus button

Whether you’re a beginner just getting started with Google+ or you’re a seasoned pro, below are 10 must-have Google+ links that every user should know. This list of Google+ resources is just a small sampling, but some of my favorites.  From creating your first Google+ business page to creating a Google+ hangout, Google+ has a vast number of features to help you build, connect and grow your social network.  Take a moment to check these links out and feel free to suggest new ones as well! While you’re at it, let’s !

  1. Google+ vs Facebook Infographic
  2. Google+ URL Shortener
  3. 30 tips to enhance your Google+ experience
  4. Create your first Google+ business page
  5. Google+ cheat sheet
  6. How to switch between your Google+ profile and your Google+ page
  7. How to add the Google +1 button to your website
  8. Google+ PSD files (download)
  9. How to create a Google+ hangout
  10. Add a Google+ badge to your sidebar


4 Twitter apps to help you organize yourself better

Twitter organizationOne of the keys to using Twitter regularly, isn’t just using it – when we do this we tend to send out less signal and more noise that just wastes time.  Instead, the key is to learn how it can work for YOU. Start by asking yourself, what challenges do I face with using Twitter.  Is it not understanding the terminology or how to send a tweet Twitter? Maybe I’m good at sending out tweets, but not so good at replying back to other users that have tweeted me back.  By identifying problem area(s) that you need help with, you can begin getting yourself organized and building a strategy around Twitter for yourself or even your business.

Below are 4 of my favorite apps to help you organize yourself better on Twitter.

Continue reading 4 Twitter apps to help you organize yourself better

Why your Facebook Page does not need Timeline to succeed

Lately, I’ve had a number of people emailing me – asking when will I get Timeline on my Facebook Page. Unfortunately, Facebook Profiles are just now receiving this update – and it usually takes users time to adapt to these new changes, so that means Facebook Pages will need to wait…a while.

McDonald's Timeline for Facebook Pages

But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You see, while Timeline is a great tool for Facebook Profiles — it did help Tim Tebow amass 1.4 million Facebook subscribers, Timeline for Facebook Pages isn’t so compelling – there are a number of reasons why you don’t really need Timeline and here’s the proof.

Continue reading Why your Facebook Page does not need Timeline to succeed

5 reasons why your blog or website needs a Facebook Like button

Facebook like button

At one point or another, you’ve probably clicked a Facebook Like button. They’re not only everywhere, but they’re also a very powerful tool for promoting content and can greatly help broaden your reach. Here are 5 reasons why your blog or website needs a Facebook Like button.

Continue reading 5 reasons why your blog or website needs a Facebook Like button

Google launches +1, looks to beat Facebook at its own game

This is pretty cool — you should check this out…

No really, that’s what Google is thinking with their new +1 button. While social media sites come and go, one thing is certain, users have gravitated towards consuming content that their friends have liked, tweeted out or said was “cool.” Why is this? Simple.

Better out than in – how many times have you gone to a restaurant because a random stranger you met on the corner said that it was good? Now tell me how many times you have gone to a restaurant that your friends have recommended whether through a Facebook status update, a tweet, an email, etc…exactly!

With the addition of the +1 button, not only will your friends be able to see what you recommend on a given website, but Continue reading Google launches +1, looks to beat Facebook at its own game

Official launch of #15seconds hashtag

Today, I’ve excited to announce that I’m launching a neat little venture – the #15seconds hashtag. What I plan to do with this is to provide short and insightful tips on social media, business, marketing and technology through videos that are 15 seconds or less. Think of it as creative storyboarding!

To participate, all you simply need to do is send me a tweet with your question and include the hashtag, #15seconds. E.g. how do I update Twitter from my Facebook page? #15seconds. Once I receive your tweet, I’ll then send you back a video response.

Thanks again everyone for supporting my endeavors.


Christian (@ckroks)

How to tag photos on your Facebook page or profile

As I previously mentioned, Facebook now allows you to tag other pages in photos. This is a welcomed addition for Facebook page users.  Another new addition is how you can tag Facebook photos.

Previously, users had to go through each individual photo to tag them.  Now you can tag photos from within a photo album without having to view them. This technique can even be applied to Facebook pages and profiles (yeah, some consistency!).

With more of our time being occupied in organizing digital media, Facebook can add another feather to its cap – a time-saver. Here’s a brief video on additional ways that you can tag photos in Facebook.

Continue reading How to tag photos on your Facebook page or profile