8 types of social media zombies and how to avoid them [Infographic]

With Halloween upon us, it’s time for all of the ghouls, goblins and zombies to come out. Unfortunately, while social networks aim to help us grow our network of followers, some of those zombies stick around well past Halloween and can often be seen lurking on many popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

What is a social media zombie?

Social Media zombies can come in many different forms, but one thing is for certain, they constantly exhibit the same pattern behavior on many of today’s popular networks.

Take a look at these 8 types of social media zombies to see if you recognize any of these social media zombies and learn how you can avoid becoming a social media zombie too!

Continue reading 8 types of social media zombies and how to avoid them [Infographic]

The Psychology of Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC]

Whether you realize it or not, Facebook is changing the way we think.  For example, if something good (or bad) happens in our lives, instead of cherishing that moment, we’re quick to rush off to our favorite social networks to share the good news.  The same holds true with each new ding or buzz from our smartphones.  

Not only is Facebook helping build better relationships, but it’s also fueling our addiction to feeling good.

The Psychology of Facebook

With each ding or buzz indicating we have a new notification, not only are we quick to rush to check out what’s going on, but in the process, we’re simply replenishing our dopamine levels. For those of you who don’t know, dopamine helps in the transmissions of signals in the brain, it also plays a role in addiction.

So every time that we receive a new notification on our phones, we’re simply just fueling our addiction – and not in a good way.

In fact, Best Masters in Psychology found the following:

Internet addicts have 10 percent to 20 percent smaller brain areas for important functions such as speech, memory, motor control, emotion, sensory, and other information. The more time that is spent online, the more the brain atrophies in these areas.

It’s pretty scary to think that there’s a psychology to Facebook and that the more time we spend on Facebook, networking and building relationships, we’re rewiring our brains in the process to the point

In addition to altering vital functions like speech, memory, motor control and emotion, be sure to check out this psychology of Facebook infographic and the longterm effects that spending time on a social network like Facebook can have. 

Continue reading The Psychology of Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC]

Don’t know what to post to your social networks, go ask your mom [Infographic]

One of the questions I often get asked about on building a successful Facebook Page or any social media account is what should I post?

Not knowing your business, what you do, what you offer and which channels you’re currently using to engage with customers, I can offer one piece of advice.

Continue reading Don’t know what to post to your social networks, go ask your mom [Infographic]

36 power tips for Pinterest users

With just under 10.4 million users in June 2012, Pinterest became the fastest growing social network ever, growing at a rate of 400% month-over-month. That’s pretty staggering, considering Pinterest hasn’t been around that long.

Couple that with the fact that Pinterest is a significant driver of traffic to websites, just behind Google, and you have a powerful social network along with a tremendous opportunity to leverage for your business.

Pinterest is the 5th largest referral site of traffic for one particular e-commerce site,  just behind Google, their affiliate program, and their newsletter

Below are just a few of things I love about Pinterest.

Continue reading 36 power tips for Pinterest users

Social Media crime solvers [Infographic]

Social Media isn’t just a place to network or to connect with friends or family.  In fact, law enforcement officials have been using social media as well – to help solve crimes because of the valuable amount of data that it provides them. For example, while the photos and status updates you uploaded were meant for friends, law enforcement often uses this information as a way to provide valuable clues towards solving crimes such as identifying someone or the location where a photo (and subsequent crime) was taken.

In addition to convicting criminals, social media has been used by 80% of law enforcement to solve crimes.

Below are some of the important facets on how social media has been used to help solve crime – along with the major networks law enforcement officials use most often.

Continue reading Social Media crime solvers [Infographic]

The 10 Types of Social Media Addicts [Infographic]

Social Media Addiction is a disease, just like drug addiction and alcoholism.  In fact, social media addiction affects millions of people and can show up in many different forms.  For example, are you a “serial liker” – someone who likes every page you possibly can? How about the “constant checker” who cannot go five minutes without refreshing their Twitter or Instagram accounts checking for updates?

And one of my favorites? The “Self-Proclaimed Influencer” who’s obsessed with getting their Klout score to the top (it’s not all that important).

So do you suffer from social media addiction?

Check out the following infographic below for more types of social media addicts – and don’t be ashamed to admit it, we’re all addicts of something. Admitting there’s a problem is the first step to recovery!

Continue reading The 10 Types of Social Media Addicts [Infographic]

What are Facebook Gifts

Today, Facebook announced another addition to their social networking site – Facebook Gifts. Now, instead of giving virtual gifts, you can give real gifts for real moments.

With this new feature tied in to Facebook Timeline, now whenever someone celebrates a milestone, a birth or a birthday, you’ll be ready to send them a gift – without leaving Facebook.

What I like about Facebook Gifts

One thing that I am looking forward to with Facebook Gifts is the ability to create a seamless social shopping environment.  Now, instead of having to go to different websites to do my online shopping or forgetting about a birthday, milestone or anniversary, I can now send Facebook gifts two ways – from the status update area or under the birthdays and Life Events section on the Facebook news feed.

From the looks of things, sending a Facebook Gift is very seamless too – with a few nice features thrown in.

How to send a Facebook Gift Continue reading What are Facebook Gifts

30 Twitter Header Images

A few weeks ago, Twitter unveiled header images. One thing you’ll notice is that Twitter header images are very similar to Facebook’s Timeline – with the exception that you can actually use Twitter header images to advertise different facets of your business.

This is BIG news for businesses who are using Twitter because this now gives businesses another area to show off their brand to followers through their Twitter header image. Twitter header images also present brands with the opportunity to showcase a particular product, an upcoming promotion, a hashtag associated with a brand along with many other creative ways to use Twitter header images.

I have spent time scouring Twitter for examples of Twitter header images and came up with 30 examples of Twitter header images done right:

Continue reading 30 Twitter Header Images

How to merge Facebook Pages (two existing, duplicate pages)

Do you happen to have two duplicate Facebook Pages? Instead of trying to maintain both pages or get fans to move from one Facebook Page to another (a task in itself), the best way to consolidate both pages is to learn how to merge facebook pages. 

Merge Facebook Pages

Why merge Facebook Pages?

Continue reading How to merge Facebook Pages (two existing, duplicate pages)

10 everyday places to find more fans, followers, and subscribers

How to find more fans with social media

Everywhere you look, businesses are on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube…the list goes on.  While joining lots of social networks is a great way to grow your online presence, it does not guarantee that you’ll get fans, followers or subscribers.  In fact, getting fans, followers or subscribers can be a challenge – often because you’re unknown, you’re not targeting the right audience, or you’re not posting enough (or at the wrong times).

While there are many ways to build your fanbase over time, here are 10 everyday places where you can find more fans, followers and subscribers.

Continue reading 10 everyday places to find more fans, followers, and subscribers