Social media stats on posting too much information

Whether you realize it or not, whenever you sign-up for a new social network, you share a lot of valuable, personal information. While you need this to sign-up for most social networks, how much information is too much to share? This collection of social media stats shows you what type of information gets posted to your favorite social networks and what the risks are to posting it online.

Some of the information that people often share on social media sites are their birthday, names of family members, favorite television shows, and more. While this doesn’t seem like a big deal, it is when you consider that 63% of users use their birthday to answer a security question (tweet this stat).

To put that into context, if you’re someone who uses your birthday to answer a security question and it is available publicly on your favorite social media sites because you shared it, this could put you at risk.

In addition to sharing your birthday, here are a few more social media stats that you want to be aware of.

Overall, there is a lot of personal information that you share on social networks that can a security concern.

Take a look at this infographic from Trend Micro that talks about other social media stats that we post on social networks and the risks associated with sharing them.

Social media stats on oversharing

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Minding your manners with hashtag etiquette

Hashtags seem to be everywhere these days. For example, there are Facebook hashtags, Twitter hashtags, Instagram hashtags, and even Google Plus is using hashtags. This is great because you can begin to incorporate hashtags into all of your social networks. Before you do though, you need to be aware of the proper hashtag etiquette.

Otherwise, you could be doing more harm than good when using hashtags on your favorite social networks.

What is a hashtag?

Oxford dictionaries defines a hashtag as a word or phrase preceded by a hash or pound sign (#) and used to identify messages on a specific topic.

To sum this up, when it comes to social networks, hashtags are clickable links that bring together posts from that network that are also using that hashtag.

This can be useful because it lets you see who else is talking about a similar topic on your favorite social network.

Hashtag evolution

The hashtag has evolved quite a bit throughout history though. In fact, it wasn’t always used like how it is today. There is a rich, storied history of the hashtag.

Common hashtag mistakes

While hashtags seem like they’re very easy to use, here are common mistakes you want to avoid when using hashtags.

  1. Stringing together too many words in a hashtag.
    • For example, using #hashtaqetiquettetips when just #etiquette will suffice.
  2. Tagging every word in a post with a hashtag.
    • Not only is this unprofessional, but doing this can make it difficult to follow a post or tweet.
  3. Using hashtags that don’t relate to your business or brand
    • This is a big no-no when using hashtags. An example of this is using a hashtag and including a link to a product that doesn’t relate to the hashtag. You can be seen as a spammer if you use this technique.
  4. Using hashtags when they are not needed
      Just because you can use a hashtag doesn’t mean you need to. Make sure you’re selective on when you should include a hashtag.
  5. Picking the right network for hashtags
      While Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Pinterest all include the option to use hashtags. Be sure you know your audience. If they don’t understand hashtags, you could be pushing them away by including them.

If you want to see hashtags in action, Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon created a hilarious video on using hashtags in real-life that also does a great job illustrating why hashtag etiquette is so important.

While it seems that hashtags are ubiquitous, remember, there is a right time and place for them. The team at Gremln put together this infographic on hashtag etiquette. There are also some great tips on how to use hashtags to get your message across and reach your target audience.

Tips on proper hashtag etiquette

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Social Media management in 60 minutes a day

How much time do you think it takes to manage an effective social media strategy? If you said days or even weeks, you’re partially correct – if you run a social media agency. If  you’re just managing your own social media accounts, you can do social media management in just 60 minutes a day!

60 minutes a day on social media? Really? It can be done.

Social Media time management

Learning how to manage your social media accounts in just 60 minutes a day takes discipline. It also means you need to focus on what your goals are when you logon to a site.

We’re all guilty (myself included) of going on Facebook for one thing and then spending hours just browsing.

This plan assumes that you already have a social media strategy in place.

What you are learning about is how to split up your time spent on social media activities in 60 minutes per day. This way you can use that time towards being productive in other areas.

Social Media management in just 60 minutes a day

To effectively do social media management in 60 minutes a day, here’s the recipe you need for creating the perfect social media cocktail:

Continue reading Social Media management in 60 minutes a day

Facebook hashtag marketing tips

Facebook rolled out Facebook hashtags as a way to compete with Twitter, Google Plus, and LinkedIn. While adoption has been slow and feedback has been mixed, they are still an effective way to track conversations on Facebook. Here are some Facebook hashtag marketing tips you can implement now to help you tap into the 1 billion active Facebook users.

Is Facebook hashtag marketing effective?

Not everyone agrees that Facebook hashtags are effective. In fact, some suggest that Facebook hashtags don’t help boost exposure at all.

This is rather surprising because the purpose of Facebook hashtags is to help group conversations across different Facebook profiles and pages and help marketers reach new audiences. To me, this suggests that we need to give Facebook hashtags some more time to develop, as it sounds like they haven’t yet caught on with everyone.

One other surprising stat reported by Consumer Reports is that just 28% of Facebook users make their Facebook posts public.

For those of you using Facebook hashtags, for them to be effective and to reach people, you want to make sure you tell your audience to make any Facebook posts they share that include a Facebook hashtag public. If they don’t make these posts public, this means the posts are not being seen when someone clicks into a hashtag, which means lower exposure.

Missed opportunities with Facebook hashtags

While I have personally used Facebook hashtags in some of my Facebook marketing posts, one thing that I consistently notice is that I’m seeing the same people using Facebook hashtags. This suggests that a lot of people are not using Facebook hashtags (or if they are, they are not setting them to public) so that everyone can see them.

This means there are a lot of missed opportunities for marketers.

This infographic from Prestige Marketing looks at different Facebook hashtag marketing tips to consider implementing in your digital marketing strategy.

Facebook hashtag marketing tips

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Social Media recruiting – is it working?

It used to be that job recruiting over social media didn’t work. Today, a lot has changed and social media recruiting is hotter than ever.

In fact, 92% of companies use social media for recruiting (tweet this).

While companies are recruiting new employees using social media recruiting. Does it work though

Let’s explore some stats that support the claim that social media recruiting works.

  • 42% of companies say candidate quality has improved thanks to social media (tweet this)
  • 33% of employers rejected candidates based on something they found on a social profile (tweet this)
  • Recruiting across Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
    • 93% of companies use LinkedIn for recruiting (tweet this)
    • 66% of companies use Facebook for recruiting (tweet this)
    • 54% of companies use Twitter for recruiting (tweet this)
  • Surprising stat: 36% of companies are not in engaged in social media recruiting (tweet this)

While these numbers suggest that companies are benefiting from using social media to become more efficient with in their recruiting efforts and to help improve the quality of applicants for a job, does this actually lead to more jobs for job seekers? Let’s find out.

Does social media recruiting lead to more hires?

Continue reading Social Media recruiting – is it working?

How do you stack up? Measuring Facebook Page performance

How well is your Facebook Page performing? When asked this question, most businesses can probably only provide basic stats such as page likes and reach to use when determining their Facebook Page performance.

While this will provide some meaningful data, it doesn’t necessarily provide enough information to tell you how well your Facebook Page is doing.

For that, you’ll want to dig into your Facebook Insights to get a better understanding of what your fans are most interested in seeing you share on Facebook.

If you’re not yet ready to jump into using Facebook Insights to track your Facebook Page performance, you’re in luck.

Social Media analytics company, Quintly, compiled a collection of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on Facebook Pages of varying sizes that you can use to give you a better idea on where your Facebook Page should be performing.

Here are some of the areas that are covered in this infographic on Facebook Page performance.

  • Average number of Facebook fans
  • Like, comment and sharing distribution on Facebook posts
  • How to calculate the interaction rate on Facebook
  • How to calculate the people talking about this ratio

Of note, one of the most interesting performance metrics that is talked about is interaction distribution on Facebook Pages.

For those of you unfamiliar with interaction distribution, this is whether fans prefer to like, comment, or share Facebook Page posts. Let me know if the performance metrics that are mentioned measure-up to what you are seeing on your own Facebook Page.

Remember, when using these Facebook Page performance tips, your results may vary slightly.

Measuring Facebook Page performance

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Achieving Facebook marketing success for business

With over one billion users and new features being added weekly, it’s no doubt, why Facebook is good for business. But with so many changes happening, it can be difficult for businesses to keep up with all of them. As a result, it makes it hard to achieve Facebook marketing success.

While businesses recognize the need to implement different types of promotions on Facebook, what can businesses do to leverage Facebook as a marketing vehicle to drive engagement, interactions, and sales?

This infographic shows you different types of Facebook promotions that you can implement within your business to help achieve Facebook marketing success.

Here are a few of our favorite highlights from the infographic.

  • 98% of retail websites had a Facebook Page in 2012 (tweet this)
  • 33% of online shoppers have made a purchase based on seeing an item on a friend’s Facebook news feed (tweet this)
  • Implement the STIR method when trying to decide which posts to promote on Facebook

Keep reading to learn more about different types of Facebook promotions that you can implement in your business to help achieve success with using Facebook.

How to set your business up for Facebook marketing success Continue reading Achieving Facebook marketing success for business

Build awareness, drive Facebook traffic for promotions – Infographic

With the launch of Facebook Timeline, Facebook tabs saw their engagement drop by 50%. This isn’t good news if you’re a business trying to leverage promotions to drive Facebook traffic.

If you have created Facebook landing page tabs and you’re trying to target users on mobile devices, things only go from bad to worse. This is because Facebook landing page tabs don’t work on mobile devices (unless you create them using ShortStack and promote the link to your page tab).

At this point, this  means that your business now has even more work to do on-top of running your Facebook promotions just to get the word out to fans and customers.

Fortunately, there a number of things you can do as a business owner after creating a Facebook promotion to help increase awareness and drive Facebook traffic when you’re running your next promotion.

For starters, if you’re promoting a Facebook landing page tab, you’ll want to be sure to share that link with fans. Otherwise, they won’t be able to access them from their mobile devices.

So you have your Facebook promotions created – what else can your business be doing to help increase awareness with customers and to drive Facebook traffic for your promotions? Let’s find out.

8 ways to drive Facebook traffic for promotions Continue reading Build awareness, drive Facebook traffic for promotions – Infographic

5 Reasons why Facebook is good for business [Infographic]

While a lot of businesses have a presence on Facebook, a lot of them do not yet see the full value in using Facebook. This is likely because there isn’t much consistency to the changes that occur on Facebook, which can make it difficult to use Facebook as a viable tool for business. For example, Facebook recently changed the news feed algorithm (again). Because Facebook always seems to be influx, most businesses are skeptical to rely on Facebook for conducting business. While changes can cause businesses to need to rethink their strategy at a moments notice, there are plenty more reasons why Facebook is good for business and why you shouldn’t count Facebook out just yet.

The team at Cloudtactix put together this handy infographic on why Facebook is good for business. Hopefully these numbers will convince your business that there is value in using Facebook for business.

5 reasons why Facebook is good for business Continue reading 5 Reasons why Facebook is good for business [Infographic]

13 Mind-blowing Facebook stats

Facebook recently released their second quarter earnings for 2013. With a lot riding on Facebook’s quarterly earnings report, they released a number of Facebook stats to go along with it.

Fortunately, they didn’t need all of the stats that they provided to demonstrate how well Facebook is doing. For those of you interested in seeing which Facebook stats were shared, Craig Smith at Digital Marketing Ramblings compiled a comprehensive list.

So what Facebook stats did they talk about? Obviously, mobile usage was a big one. Others covered the growth of Facebook’s users.

Overall, they were interesting stats that provided good insight into the health of Facebook – which is very good at the moment.

Here’s a rundown on some of the Facebook stats that I found interesting.

  • There are 1.15 billion total Facebook users [tweet this]
  • Facebook has 699 million daily active users [tweet this]
  • On average, users are connected to 89 pages and groups [tweet this]
  • Users spend 20 minutes on average per day on Facebook [tweet this]
  • The average Facebook user has 141.5 friends [tweet this]
  • Checking Facebook is what 48% of users between the age of 18-34 do first in the morning [tweet this]

If you like these Facebook stats, keep reading, as there are more (and an infographic).

13 mind-blowing Facebook stats

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